The New Year is off to a great start! We rang in the New Year with 31 MS/HS students attending our Overnighter and worshipping together. We are still averaging 10-12 students in our Sunday morning youth meetings and FCA at NPHS and NPMS continues to be a blessing as we are now averaging over 100 students per week. Many students that attend FCA are unchurched and FCA is the only place they are hearing the Gospel. We took thirteen students to WinterJam which is a Christian Music Festival in Indianapolis and we had a blast! We look forward to more big things for the Youth at RCC throughout 2022!
It has been a busy fall season for our youth and families. We've been averaging 10-12 students at our Sunday morning meetings. FCA at NPMS and NPHS has been one of our biggest ministries as we have been averaging 70 students on a weekly basis that are showing up at FCA. We tailgated North Putnam Home Varsity football games and had fun with that. We also had a cookout at our house (Nate and LeeAnn's) and had a good time with members of our youth group, Bainbridge Christian Church youth group, and other students and their families from FCA at our Fall Fun Bash at the Cabin! We are looking forward to supporting our youth in winter sports, winter retreat in February, and hosting a Fun New Year's Eve overnight event! God is good!